Here’s a Muff circuit which I’ve tuned to my own tastes, and which bears a distinct throaty, smoky character.
By using a mix of my favorite new-old-stock Motorola BC239C along with some BC108 & BC107 metal-can transistors for new flavors, the Grey Owl has a sweet, warm low end that sings.
To tweak the distortion character to taste, I’ve used a mix of silicon & germanium clipping diodes for a unique growl.
Guitarists might find the “sweet spot” is a little higher up on the tone knob than most Muffs (1:30-2:00 ish), but that’s because I’ve designed the Grey Owl to be bass friendly, too. Imagine a snarly-sweet, growling & deep Violet Ram’s Head Muff and you’ve got the Grey Owl.
This batch of Grey Owls feature a new enclosure style finished with a vanilla cream powder coat, matching cream knobs, soft off-white LED, and hand cut Zebrawood side panels.